Executive Team Coaching

Here to meet your needs

Your coaching/mentoring solution can be customised virtually or in person to meet your needs. As a senior practitioner accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, Fran also collaborates with a coaching consortium with internationally accredited mentors & coaches in order to cater for larger clients needs. Motivational presentations, hands on workshops, or 1 to 1 and team sessions.
Whatever problem that you are facing the skillset of the consortium team will tailor the package to help you solve the problem. http://www.franbest@lissawellcoaching.ie

Enhance your corporate culture & wellness:


Culture is human, emotional and complex and ever changing and refers to the beliefs and behaviours of a company, bottom up and top down. The famous management guru Peter Drucker believed a positive work culture enhanced a company’s competitive edge.

Organisational alignment is key between wellness and culture, “strategy lays down the rules for playing the game and culture finds the spirit of playing the game”.

To enhance corporate culture and make wellness a way of being requires an emotional intelligent approach that seeks collaboration and balance across all elements – People, Organisational structure, Systems, Processes with Leadership as the collaborative link. Do you want positive sustainable change?

Executive leadership development:


It is essential for high potential leaders to maximise potential through continued investment and development. Together we can equipped you with the tools that you need for improved strategic planning. To grow as a confident, well respected high performance leader that achieves sustainable results that your organisation expects- how does that sound?

Sir John Whitmore educates us that “developing people on the job has been shown to be the most effective form of learning with the 70:20:10 model” – 70% experience on the job, 20% comes from learning from others, 10% from course work.
“Relationships at work and at home are critical to our health and wellness. Work to cultivate high quality connections with people by showing respect, listening, and sharing your own true feelings”. Prof Beth Frates, Harvard Lifestyle Medicine.

Remove change management anxieties:


Support your team to embrace a hybrid working model. Remove isolation and improve inclusion. Be it the work or home office - put in efficient process to allow your team feel productive and trusted.

The Central Statistics Office April 2020 survey results showed that only 12.2% of people surveyed rated their life satisfaction as high. Employees that are working have often a fear of returning to the office, or miss the social element when working from home, the business has limited resources, less team members or your business is excelling and the team are struggling to adapt to the new pace required or negativity has crept in and your hear dissenting voices.

Director of Kingstown college Paula King states “If we dread our working days and look to tomorrow with pessimism and wariness, we will be unable to work to our potential as we will feel depleted and de-energised. A positive workplace will provide an environment which is conductive to developing the individual and encouraging them to truly reach their potential”. https://www.kingstowncollege.ie/

Maximise team’s operational effectiveness:


“Talent win’s games, but team work and intelligence wins championships” – Michael Jordon. 

In store / on-site or virtual interactive team sessions are firm favourite of Fran's, do you want to invest in a selling skills session, culture change or team session to optimise performance? As a confident international presenter Fran will customise the correct package to meet the needs of your brand. Remove inefficiencies and grey areas - set your team up to follow the standard operating procedures and correct processes to save your business time and money.

Coaching for an operationally effective performance can be led by the principle of Lean performance. “Together, Lean and coaching create a virtuous circle of unparalleled performance improvement”. Sir John Whitmore – The father of performance coaching.

Together we will design new models and processes to set you up for success to deliver sustainable practices to allow your team to work effectively and to maintain in the long term. 

When a team come together with the right mindset and drive the results = success.